Quinton McEvoy

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
United States 2014MCEV01 Male 4 111

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 7870 10450 41099 13.12 15.78 40772 10290 7726
2x2x2 Cube 9585 12614 44849 4.19 6.40 48923 13815 10568
4x4x4 Cube 3571 4907 19608 53.24 59.63 18575 4651 3383
5x5x5 Cube 2893 3907 14442 1:51.22 1:55.97 12605 3382 2514
6x6x6 Cube 2112 2826 9446 4:07.53 4:16.08 8274 2488 1873
3x3x3 Blindfolded 1318 1736 7662 4:31.30
3x3x3 One-Handed 6924 9446 37018 36.11 39.69 31573 8001 5877
Pyraminx 10321 13233 46911 8.83 14.96 61137 17637 13777
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
KCubing Spring 2016 Second round 16 13.12 15.78 14.9017.8916.7615.6913.12
First round 22 15.17 16.55 16.0618.8615.1715.7917.79
Kansas City Cubing 2015 Second round 19 16.37 17.41 17.6819.3816.3716.8217.73
First round 17 13.78 16.86 13.7817.4121.1917.1716.01
Lawrence Spring 2015 Second round 24 14.71 18.08 14.7118.46DNF17.2218.56
First round 22 13.69 16.14 13.6916.9016.2315.2919.45
Lawrence Open 2014 First round 9 14.21 16.97 16.0518.1117.7214.2117.15
2x2x2 Cube
KCubing Spring 2016 Second round 23 5.54 6.40
First round 29 5.18 6.71
Kansas City Cubing 2015 Second round 20 5.89 6.83 16.855.897.216.716.57
First round 24 4.80 6.41 9.164.806.656.326.26
Lawrence Spring 2015 First round 33 4.19 6.85 6.84DNF8.005.724.19
Lawrence Open 2014 First round 23 6.47 8.99 9.867.729.38DNF6.47
4x4x4 Cube
KCubing Spring 2016 Final 10 53.24 59.63 1:15.0156.971:04.1153.2457.82
Kansas City Cubing 2015 Final 7 54.81 1:00.28 1:00.4159.271:01.1654.811:08.47
5x5x5 Cube
KCubing Spring 2016 Final 9 1:51.22 1:55.97 1:55.471:51.872:03.102:00.581:51.22
Lawrence Spring 2015 Final 10 1:54.63 1:59.09 1:56.032:01.421:59.831:54.632:03.87
6x6x6 Cube
Lawrence Spring 2015 Final 10 4:07.53 4:16.08 4:20.534:07.534:20.19
3x3x3 Blindfolded
KCubing Spring 2016 Final 7 4:31.30 DNF DNF5:14.154:31.30
3x3x3 One-Handed
Kansas City Cubing 2015 Final 19 37.90 43.37 37.90DNF39.8342.5147.77
Lawrence Spring 2015 Final 18 36.11 39.69 37.0941.5340.4436.1144.58
Kansas City Cubing 2015 Final 41 13.58 14.96 17.8513.5814.8514.9615.06
Lawrence Spring 2015 Final 38 13.80 15.23 21.8016.7813.8015.0213.89
Lawrence Open 2014 Final 17 8.83 15.02 14.1920.8313.0917.778.83
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