Jhonatan Castillo

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
Peru 2017CAST37 Male 2 89

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 723 3380 42898 13.33 14.48 31372 2335 531
2x2x2 Cube 140 680 9177 2.22 4.91 23488 1644 350
4x4x4 Cube 182 822 10910 43.82 47.88 8981 667 155
5x5x5 Cube 204 1135 16140 1:58.46 2:06.07 14621 1011 176
3x3x3 One-Handed 496 2603 31930 32.06 40.40 32353 2635 488
Megaminx 183 820 8205 1:33.05 1:46.00 8398 823 186
Pyraminx 326 1888 26180 6.58 8.62 17856 1213 232
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Crazy Cubes Spring 2017 Second round 16 16.07 16.47 16.9816.2416.2018.6516.07
First round 14 14.78 15.37 15.0728.1215.0814.7815.97
ChimboteRubik 2017 Final 7 14.48 15.46 15.2415.6215.5214.4816.43
Second round 4 13.33 14.48 15.7317.3914.3213.3313.39
First round 9 15.20 16.36 17.89DNF15.2115.2015.98
2x2x2 Cube
Crazy Cubes Spring 2017 Final 8 3.20 4.91 8.403.594.966.173.20
First round 11 2.22 5.24 2.226.525.224.306.20
ChimboteRubik 2017 Final 10 3.97 6.13 7.917.273.976.384.74
First round 10 4.53 6.04 5.516.556.064.5312.49
4x4x4 Cube
Crazy Cubes Spring 2017 Final 5 46.06 47.88 47.7350.0146.0646.4049.50
First round 7 48.84 53.82 55.1653.0455.4953.2748.84
ChimboteRubik 2017 Final 4 43.82 53.15 57.4250.3059.5243.8251.72
First round 4 46.30 54.30 46.3052.321:05.351:02.6447.94
5x5x5 Cube
Crazy Cubes Spring 2017 Final 8 1:58.46 2:06.07 2:22.312:04.092:10.222:03.901:58.46
3x3x3 One-Handed
Crazy Cubes Spring 2017 First round 16 32.06 40.40 44.7132.0635.1244.1941.88
Crazy Cubes Spring 2017 Final 6 1:33.05 1:46.00 1:50.931:43.811:49.341:44.851:33.05
Crazy Cubes Spring 2017 Final 10 6.58 8.96 10.589.599.456.587.84
First round 11 8.19 8.62 9.558.698.248.938.19
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