Ponikva Open 2024

Mar 16, 2024
Ponikva, Slovenia

Osnovna šola Blaža Kocena Ponikva

Ponikva 29A, 3232 Ponikva

Competition will be held in a gym, follow the signs.


Rubik Klub Slovenija

Rubik Klub Slovenija
WCA Delegates
Jernej Omulec, Matic Omulec, and Petra Kobal Vogrinec
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

This competition is being organized by the Rubik klub Slovenija.
If you need any additional information, or if you would like to change your registration, please write an e-mail to the wca.slovenia@gmail.com.

This competition is participating in the official WCA Newcomer Month 2024. The registration process will reserve 50% of spots for new competitors. New competitors are considered to have no WCA ID or a WCA ID with 2024. Returning competitors are considered to have a WCA ID that is from 2023 or earlier. All competitors must still follow all registration requirements for their registration to be considered complete.

Registrations will be accepted based on the following:
  • 50% of spots, as defined by the competitor limit, are reserved for new competitors.
  • Initially, 50% of spots, as defined by the competitor limit, are available for returning competitors on a first come, first serve basis.
  • If greater than 50% of new competitors register before 50% of spots are filled by returning competitors, any additional new competitors will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis alongside returning competitors.
  • If the spots reserved for new competitors are not filled by new competitors before registration closes two weeks prior to the competition, remaining spots, up to the competitor limit, will be accepted from registered returning competitors.

For more information, please check the tabs!

Tekmovanje organizira Rubik klub Slovenija.
Če potrebujete dodatne informacije ali če bi želeli spremeniti svojo prijavo, nam pišite na wca.slovenia@gmail.com.

To tekmovanje je vključeno v uraden WCA mesec novincev 2024. Pri prijavah je 50% mest rezerviranih za novince. Za novince se štejejo tisti tekmovalci, ki so še brez WCA ID-ja ali imajo WCA ID z začetkom 2024. Za povratnike se štejejo tisti tekmovalci, ki imajo WCA ID iz leta 2023 ali prej. Vsi tekmovalci morajo še vedno upoštevati vse zahteve za prijavo, da se njihova prijava šteje za popolno.

Prijave bodo sprejete na naslednji način:
  • 50% mest določenih z omejitvijo tekmovalcev je rezerviranih za novince.
  • Na začetku je 50% mest določenih z omejitvijo tekmovalcev na voljo za povratnike. Prijave bodo sprejete po običajnem redu - po vrstnem redu, kot bodo izpolnjeni vsi pogoji.
  • Če se prijavi več kot 50% novincev preden se zapolni preostalih 50% mest s povratniki, se nadaljnje prijave sprejemajo po običajnem redu za novince in povratnike hkrati.
  • Če novinci ne zapolnijo rezerviranih mest pred koncem prijav, dva tedna pred tekmovanjem, bodo preostala mesta zapolnjena s povratniki na čakalni listi do zapolnitve mest.

Za več informacij preverite zavihke!

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 140 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is €12 (Euro).
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 75% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Any spectator can attend for free.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Alexey Tsvetkov won with an average of 6.55 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Zénó Vitale finished second (7.12) and Taiyo Berčič finished third (8.54).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Alexey Tsvetkov 5.44 6.55 Russia 6.516.165.446.978.82
2x2x2 Cube Alexey Tsvetkov 1.09 1.33 Russia 1.591.311.371.301.09
4x4x4 Cube Alexey Tsvetkov 30.28 33.20 Russia 34.5330.2833.1731.9834.45
3x3x3 One-Handed Alexey Tsvetkov 6.94 10.79 Russia 10.1413.7911.576.9410.67
Pyraminx Alexey Tsvetkov 2.02 2.53 Russia
Event Round Format Time limit Cutoff Proceed
3x3x3 Cube First round Ao5 10:00.00 Top 75% advance to next round
Second round Ao5 3:00.00 Top 10 advance to next round
Final Ao5 1:00.00
2x2x2 Cube First round Ao5 2:00.00 Top 10 advance to next round
Final Ao5 1:00.00
4x4x4 Cube First round Bo2 / Ao5 5:00.00 2 attempts to get < 2:00.00 Top 10 advance to next round
Final Ao5 2:00.00
3x3x3 One-Handed First round Bo2 / Ao5 5:00.00 2 attempts to get < 1:30.00 Top 10 advance to next round
Final Ao5 2:00.00
Pyraminx First round Ao5 2:00.00 Top 10 advance to next round
Final Ao5 1:00.00

You are viewing the schedule for the venue Osnovna šola Blaža Kocena Ponikva.
The schedule is displayed in the timezone Europe/Ljubljana.
Add to calendar

Display the schedule as:
Display schedule for:

Schedule for Saturday (March 16, 2024)

From 08:20 AM
To 10:00 AM
Blue stage, Red stage
From 08:40 AM
To 09:00 AM
Tutorial for new competitors
Blue stage, Red stage
From 09:00 AM
To 10:00 AM
2x2x2 Cube First round
Blue stage, Red stage
Time limit
Top 10 advance to next round
From 10:00 AM
To 11:30 AM
3x3x3 Cube First round
Blue stage, Red stage
Time limit
Top 75% advance to next round
From 11:30 AM
To 01:00 PM
4x4x4 Cube First round
Blue stage, Red stage
Bo2 / Ao5
Time limit
2 attempts to get < 2:00.00
Top 10 advance to next round
From 01:00 PM
To 02:00 PM
Pyraminx First round
Blue stage, Red stage
Time limit
Top 10 advance to next round
From 02:00 PM
To 02:30 PM
Blue stage, Red stage
From 02:30 PM
To 03:30 PM
3x3x3 One-Handed First round
Blue stage, Red stage
Bo2 / Ao5
Time limit
2 attempts to get < 1:30.00
Top 10 advance to next round
From 03:30 PM
To 04:30 PM
3x3x3 Cube Second round
Blue stage, Red stage
Time limit
Top 10 advance to next round
From 04:30 PM
To 04:45 PM
2x2x2 Cube Final
Blue stage
Time limit
From 04:45 PM
To 05:15 PM
4x4x4 Cube Final
Blue stage
Time limit
From 05:15 PM
To 05:30 PM
3x3x3 One-Handed Final
Blue stage
Time limit
From 05:30 PM
To 05:45 PM
Pyraminx Final
Blue stage
Time limit
From 05:45 PM
To 06:15 PM
3x3x3 Cube Final
Blue stage
Time limit
From 06:15 PM
To 06:30 PM
Blue stage

Valid registrations will be accepted in the order we receive them. This competition has some special rules regarding registrations priority. More in the tab Newcomer Month.

Registration is considered completed after filling out the registration form and paying the registration fee.

The base registration fee for this competition is €12 (Euro). Registration fee is being paid through Stripe. You are mandatory to do the payment while doing the whole registration process. Check more information here Register.

For those whose registration cannot be accepted and staying on the waiting list because of the competitor limit, the full registration fee will be refunded after the registration deadline. In case you cancel your registration within the deadline, 75% of your registration fee will be refunded.

Deadline of registration (and payments):
8th of March, 2024 20:00

This deadline applies to changing requests about the registered events as well.

Steps of the registration:
(If you already have a WCA Account skip Step 1 and Step 2. If your WCA ID is already connected to your Account, you can skip the Step 3 as well.)

1) Creating a WCA Account
You have to use your full name. Add an e-mail address which you often use so the organizers are able contact you. You will get a confirmation link in e-mail and by clicking on that your WCA Account will be validated.

2) Submitting Personal Data
If you are signed in to your WCA Account, submit your gender, birth date and nationality. If this is going to be your first competition, skip Step 3 and move to Step 4, because you get your WCA ID after the first competition.

3) Adding WCA ID
If you have already been to a WCA Competition, then you need to add your WCA ID to your already existing WCA Account. Open the link above and search for either your name or WCA ID, then pick yourself from the results. After this pick a delegate whose competition you have been to and the delegate will add your WCA ID to your WCA Account in a few days. If this is done, you will receive an email notification.

4) Registration to the Competition
If you have a full WCA Account so as a newcomer you have submitted all the required data, then you can register to the competition in the WCA website.

5) Payment
Your registration will be completed only after you have paid the registration fee. This can be done at the competition's WCA page after you have chosen the events you'd like to participate in. Payments will be processed through Stripe, which is already added to the competition's WCA page, so after registering, the site will automatically request your payment information.

6) Accepting Registration
After registration and the payments have been completed, the organizers will accept registrations individually. If your registration is accepted, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

Veljavne prijave bomo potrjevali po vrstnem redu, kot jih bomo prejeli. Za to tekmovanje velja nekaj posebnih pravil glede prednosti pri prijavah. Več v zavihku Mesec novincev.

Prijava se šteje za celotno po izpolnitvi prijavnega obrazca in plačilu prijavnine.

Prijavnina za to tekmovanje znaša 12€ (Euro) in se plača preko portala Stripe. Plačilo opravite skozi celoten postopek prijave. Za več informacij preverite stran Registriraj se.

Prijavam, ki ne bodo sprejete in bodo ostale na čakalni listi zaradi omejitve števila tekmovalcev, bomo povrnili celotno prijavnino po izteku prijavnega roka. V primeru, da odpoveste svojo prijavo v napisanem roku, vam vrnemo 75% prijavnine.

Rok za prijavo (in plačilo):
8. marec 2024 20:00

Ta rok velja tudi za spremembe pri vaših prijavljenih disciplinah.

Potek prijave:
(Če že imate WCA račun, preskočite korak 1 in 2. Če je vaš WCA ID povezan z vašim WCA računom, lahko preskočite tudi korak 3).

1) Ustvarite WCA račun
Uporabiti morate svoje polno ime. Dodajte e-mail naslov, ki ga pogosto uporabljate, da vas bodo organizatorji lahko kontaktirali. Po e-pošti boste prejeli potrditveno povezavo in s klikom nanjo bo vaš WCA račun potrjen.

2) Vpišite osebne podatke
Če ste prijavljeni v svoj WCA račun, vnesite svoj spol, datum rojstva in državljanstvo. Če bo to vaše prvo tekmovanje, preskočite korak 3 in se premaknite na korak 4, saj boste WCA ID dobili po svojem prvem tekmovanju.

3) Povežite račun in WCA ID
Če ste že bili na WCA tekmovanju, morate svojemu že obstoječemu WCA računu dodati svoj WCA ID. Odprite zgornjo povezavo, poiščite svoje ime ali WCA ID in med zadetki izberite sebe. Po tem izberite delegata iz tekmovanja, na katerem ste bili, in v nekaj dneh bo vaš WCA ID dodal vašemu WCA računu. Ko bo to storjeno, boste prejeli obvestilo preko e-pošte.

4) Prijava na tekmovanje
Če imate popoln WCA račun, ali ste kot novinec izpolnili vse zahtevane podatke, se lahko prijavite na tekmovanje na spletni strani WCA.

5) Plačilo
Vaša prijava bo zaključena šele po plačilu prijavnine. To lahko storite na strani WCA tekmovanja, po tem ko ste izbrali discipline, v katerih želite tekmovati. Plačila bodo obdelana preko Stripe, ki je že dodan na strani tekmovanja, tako da bo po prijavi spletno mesto samodejno zahtevalo vaše podatke o kartici za plačilo.

6) Potrjevanje prijav
Po opravljeni prijavi in plačilu bodo organizatorji prijave potrjevali individualno. Ko bo je vaša prijava potrjena, boste prejeli potrditveno sporočilo preko e-pošte.

The most important criteria of the participation in the competition is the knowledge of the WCA Regulations.

You can find the current WCA Regulations and WCA Guidelines on the link below:

WCA Regulations
WCA Guidelines

Please read this before the competition!

You can also check WCA competition tutorial.

Additional information for every participant (competitors, guests, spectators):

  • New competitors must bring some form of ID to show at the competition to confirm the name, the country they wish to compete for, and the date of birth registered with.
  • Please help judging! As a competitor, your judging assignments are the absolute minimum you should be doing to help out. As second rounds, third rounds and finals have no assigned judges, we really need people to help out whenever available for these.
  • No flash photography under any circumstance within the venue. It is extremely distracting for competitors.
  • During blindfolded events, please stay silent within the venue.
  • If you are a spectator, please stay 1.5m away from competitors at all times as per Regulation 7b. If you are filming someone competing, please stay out of the competitor area.
  • We will be taking videos and photographs of the competition and the environment for our social media pages and website. By attending the competition as a competitor or a guest, you are accepting that you may be filmed or photographed for these purposes.

Violation of any of the regulations may result in the disqualification from the whole competition.

Najpomembnejši kriterij za udeležbo na tekmovanju je poznavanje WCA Pravilnika.

Trenutni WCA Pravilnik in WCA Smernice najdete na spodnjih povezavah, na voljo je tudi prevod v slovenščino:

WCA Pravilnik, slovenščina: WCA Pravilnik
WCA Smernice, slovenščina: WCA Smernice

Prosimo, da jih preberete pred tekmovanjem!

Preberete si lahko tudi WCA vodič o poteku tekmovanja.

Dodatne informacije za vse udeležence (tekmovalce, goste, gledalce):

  • Novi tekmovalci morajo s seboj prinesti osebno izkaznico ali drug osebni dokument, ki ga bodo pokazali na tekmovanju, da potrdijo podatke, s katerimi so se prijavili: ime, datum rojstva in državljanstvo, s katerim želijo tekmovati.
  • Prosimo, pomagajte soditi! Kot tekmovalec so vaše sodniške naloge najmanjši prispevek, kar naj bi storili, da pomagate pri izvedbi tekmovanja. Ker drugi, tretji in finalni krogi nimajo vnaprej določenih sodnikov, resnično potrebujemo ljudi, ki nam lahko pomagajo.
  • Prepovedano je fotografiranje z bliskavico na prizorišču tekmovanja, s kakršnim koli razlogom. Za tekmovalce je to izjemno moteče.
  • Med disciplinami slepega reševanja vas prosimo, da na prizorišču ostanete v tišini.
  • Če ste gledalec, ves čas ostanite vsaj 1,5 m stran od tekmovalcev, v skladu s Pravilom 7b. Če snemate nekoga med tekmovanjem, ostanite zunaj označenega območja s tekmovalnimi postajami.
  • Na prizorišču bomo fotografirali in snemali dogajanje v namene lastne promocije na družbenih omrežjih in spletnih straneh. Z udeležbo na tekmovanju kot tekmovalec ali gost se strinjate, da vas lahko ali fotografiramo ali posnamemo v te namene.

Kršitev katerega koli pravila lahko povzroči diskvalifikacijo iz celotnega tekmovanja.

To make the competition easier and more successful, we will need the help of volunteer staff. We will need help for scrambling, running, judging, entering data and handling the registration desk. There is a role available for every kind of person, even if you are not a competitor, you can be a part of the competition as a volunteer!

As a staff member, you will get the following benefits:

  • 100% refund of the registration fee, at the end of the competition
  • Lunch (sandwich) and water
  • Access to staff area

Staff will be refunded their registration fee after the end of the competition ONLY if they perform their tasks correctly.

Requirement to be part of the Staff:

  • Be there throughout the competition, from start to finish

Potential tasks of the Staff:

  • Judging
  • Running
  • Scrambling
  • Registration point
  • Results entry
  • Preparation of score sheets

Fill out the application form here: Google Form

Fill out this form by March 4, 2024 at 20:00 (CET) to submit your application.
After this date, the Organizing Team will take a few days to evaluate the proposals and we will contact those who have been selected via Email.

Za lažji in uspešnejši potek tekmovanja, bomo potrebovali pomoč prostovoljnega osebja. Potrebovali bomo pomoč pri mešanju, prinašanju, sojenju, vnašanju rezultatov in pri registracijski mizi. Za vsakogar se lahko najde naloga, tudi če niste tekmovalec, ste lahko del tekmovanja kot prostovoljec!

Kot član osebja boste imei naslednje ugodnosti:

  • 100% vračilo prijavnine, po koncu tekmovanja
  • malica (sendvič) in voda
  • dostop do prostora za osebje

Osebje bo prejelo vračilo prijavnine po koncu tekmovanja SAMO, če bodo svoje naloge opravili vestno.

Pogoj za osebje:

  • Prisotni morate biti ves čas tekmovanja, od začetka do konca.

Potencialne naloge osebja:

  • sojenje
  • prinašanje
  • mešanje
  • registracijska miza
  • vnašanje rezultatov
  • priprava tekmovalnih listkov

Prijavnico izpolnite tukaj: Google obrazec

Izpolnite to prijavnico najkasneje do 4. marca 2024 20:00 (CET).
Po tem roku si bo organizacijska ekipa vzela nekaj dni časa, da pregleda prijave. Nato bomo z izbranimi stopili v stik po e-pošti.

Registrations have been completed in accordance with the deadlines, the list of registered competitors is final.
All competitors who failed to qualify for the competition will be refunded the registration fee after the competition.

Prijave so zaključene v skladu z roki, seznam prijavljenih tekmovalcev je dokončen.
Vsem prijavljenim, ki se niso uspeli uvrstiti na tekmovanje, bomo povrnili prijavnino po tekmovanju.

This competition is participating in the official WCA Newcomer Month 2024. The registration process will reserve 50% of spots (70 spots) for new competitors. New competitors are considered to have no WCA ID or a WCA ID with 2024. Returning competitors are considered to have a WCA ID that is from 2023 or earlier. All competitors must still follow all registration requirements for their registration to be considered complete.

Registrations will be accepted based on the following:

  • 50% of spots (70), as defined by the competitor limit, are reserved for new competitors.
  • Initially, 50% of spots (70), as defined by the competitor limit, are available for returning competitors on a first come, first serve basis.
  • If greater than 50% of new competitors register before 50% of spots are filled by returning competitors, any additional new competitors will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis alongside returning competitors.
  • If the spots reserved for new competitors are not filled by new competitors before registration closes two weeks prior to the competition (March 2, 2024), remaining spots, up to the competitor limit, will be accepted from registered returning competitors.

At the competition, some other things will also be adapted for newcomers. We really want them to feel good with us and have a great first competition.

To tekmovanje je vključeno v uraden WCA mesec novincev 2024. Pri prijavah je 50% mest (70 mest) rezerviranih za novince. Za novince se štejejo tisti tekmovalci, ki so še brez WCA ID-ja ali imajo WCA ID z začetkom 2024. Za povratnike se štejejo tisti tekmovalci, ki imajo WCA ID iz leta 2023 ali prej. Vsi tekmovalci morajo še vedno upoštevati vse zahteve za prijavo, da se njihova prijava šteje za popolno.

Prijave bodo sprejete na naslednji način:

  • 50% mest (70) določenih z omejitvijo tekmovalcev je rezerviranih za novince.
  • Na začetku je 50% mest (70) določenih z omejitvijo tekmovalcev na voljo za povratnike. Prijave bodo sprejete po običajnem redu - po vrstnem redu, kot bodo izpolnjeni vsi pogoji.
  • Če se prijavi več kot 50% novincev preden se zapolni preostalih 50% mest s povratniki, se nadaljnje prijave sprejemajo po običajnem redu za novince in povratnike hkrati.
  • Če novinci ne zapolnijo rezerviranih mest pred koncem prijav, dva tedna pred tekmovanjem (2. marec 2024), bodo preostala mesta zapolnjena s povratniki na čakalni listi do zapolnitve mest.

Na tekmovanju bomo novincem prilagodili tudi nekatere druge stvari. Res si želimo, da bi se dobro počutili pri nas in imeli odlično prvo tekmovanje.

Partners of the competition are:

  • Cuboss

Ponikva Open 2024 is sponsored by the cube store Cuboss! Cuboss is an online cube store based in Sweden, specializing in speedcubes and other types of puzzles, with worldwide delivery available. Check on the website: cuboss.com.

  • Blaž Kocen Ponikva Primary School

  • Rubik Club Slovenia

Partnerji tekmovanja so:

  • Cuboss

Ponikva Open 2024 sponzorira trgovina s kockami Cuboss! Cuboss je spletna trgovina s kockami s sedežem na Švedskem, specializirana za hitrostne kocke in druge vrste ugank z dostavo po vsem svetu. Preverite na spletni strani: cuboss.com.

  • Osnovna šola Blaža Kocena Ponikva

  • Rubik klub Slovenija

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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