Sai Teja Reddy

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
India 2015REDD05 Male 2 45

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 4994 34358 97570 20.34 27.07 110871 38572 5881
2x2x2 Cube 1719 10084 36118 3.75 7.04 59919 18116 2954
3x3x3 One-Handed 2052 13114 37032 35.88 41.19 33416 11934 1836
Pyraminx 3487 16924 64030 10.70 13.25 50226 13615 2559
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Cubing ATMOSphere 2016 First round 46 20.34 27.07 25.0620.3429.2232.6226.94
Cubing ATMOSphere 2015 First round 44 28.71 34.91 28.7136.4936.3947.3231.85
2x2x2 Cube
Cubing ATMOSphere 2016 First round 21 3.75 7.04 8.643.7510.395.606.87
Cubing ATMOSphere 2015 First round 30 7.27 12.23 7.2715.348.3912.9715.34
3x3x3 One-Handed
Cubing ATMOSphere 2016 First round 23 35.88 41.19 35.8846.1838.1243.1242.34
Cubing ATMOSphere 2015 First round 27 1:04.99 1:28.32 1:04.991:47.991:26.991:39.991:17.99
Cubing ATMOSphere 2016 First round 23 11.66 13.25 36.0313.2714.6011.6611.89
Cubing ATMOSphere 2015 Final 17 10.70 16.75 13.3510.7020.4219.4617.44
First round 16 12.20 14.73 15.7312.2021.9213.4215.04
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