Lucas Lord

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
Australia 2016LORD01 Male 4 59

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1483 1821 44995 13.55 15.83 41260 1623 1314
2x2x2 Cube 2089 2557 48913 4.38 5.29 29727 1550 1246
3x3x3 One-Handed 623 776 20132 24.43 27.82 16828 643 508
Pyraminx 1258 1595 30624 7.07 9.42 22747 1131 875
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Odd Day in Sydney 2018 Second round 39 14.83 16.12 15.7314.8315.9216.8716.70
First round 42 13.55 15.83 18.6915.1213.5513.6819.09
Sydney Championship 2017 First round 48 16.07 17.55 18.8616.0716.4718.9617.32
Australian Nationals 2016 First round 106 21.05 24.25 22.6525.4521.0524.6426.89
Sydney Autumn 2016 First round 44 22.88 27.10 26.6227.2927.3931.3822.88
2x2x2 Cube
Sydney Championship 2017 First round 30 4.50 5.29 4.505.504.996.505.38
Australian Nationals 2016 First round 61 4.38 6.34 9.514.385.616.666.76
Sydney Autumn 2016 First round 49 5.88 10.24 5.888.689.1712.86DNS
3x3x3 One-Handed
Odd Day in Sydney 2018 First round 26 24.43 27.82 28.1930.1025.1724.4356.84
Sydney Championship 2017 First round 31 28.50 34.27 28.5036.9734.5531.2839.13
Australian Nationals 2016 Second round 31 7.07 10.15 10.847.079.4914.9410.11
First round 23 7.46 9.42 7.627.4610.1810.5810.45
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