Shaastra Cube Open 2018

Jan 6 - 7, 2018
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Community Hall, Indian institute of Technology, Madras

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Organization team
Shaastra Cube Open Team
WCA Delegates
Hari Anirudh and Shubhayan Kabir

Please read the instructions on the Payment Tab thoroughly before registering.
All competitors must be aware of the WCA regulations.

There won't be any "On the Spot" Registrations available at the Venue on the competition days.

Check the schedule tab for the competition Schedule.

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Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
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Register for this competition here.
The base registration fee for this competition is ₹180 (Indian Rupee).
Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Vijay Kishore won with an average of 8.11 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Anish Rajesh finished second (9.67) and Santosh Naranapatty finished third (9.92).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Vijay Kishore 7.18 8.11 India 12.169.437.277.647.18
2 Anish Rajesh 6.97 9.67 India 8.5710.6110.599.856.97
3 Santosh Naranapatty 8.52 9.92 India 11.6015.048.528.999.17

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Ramesh Vidyasagar 1.64 2.41 Australia 1.832.611.643.072.79
2 Anish Rajesh 1.77 2.43 India 1.772.322.562.402.89
3 Naren Ramesh 2.94 3.41 India 3.253.893.462.943.53

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Anish Rajesh 30.50 34.62 India 36.6634.7130.5032.5038.78
2 Ramesh Vidyasagar 38.97 41.27 Australia 45.3839.8240.6438.9743.35
3 Vijay Kishore 44.81 46.57 India 48.7849.8045.0044.8145.92

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Anish Rajesh 52.30 NR 57.25 India 55.1952.3055.451:01.111:04.23
2 Ramesh Vidyasagar 1:23.86 1:29.89 Australia 1:36.671:23.861:31.941:23.961:33.77
3 Joshua Koilpillai 1:22.63 1:42.06 United States 1:22.631:41.401:44.461:43.411:41.36

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Hari Anirudh 34.79 DNF India DNFDNF34.79
2 Anirudh Sureshram 1:33.44 DNF India 1:33.442:23.39DNF
3 Kunaal Parekh 1:38.13 DNF India DNF1:38.13DNF

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Kunaal Parekh 13.94 15.15 India 20.2413.9414.5516.6914.20
2 Sripad Sarma Katrapati 13.90 16.01 India 19.5813.9014.9516.9416.13
3 Anish Rajesh 12.65 16.15 India 19.8516.4715.6012.6516.37


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Saravanan Gowthaman 8.07 10.29 India 9.808.458.0712.63DNF
2 Hemvarshan Muthukumar 9.65 11.40 India 13.2910.41DNF10.519.65
3 Rakesh M. Vaideeswaran 10.47 11.75 India 11.0910.4712.2912.5511.87


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Pranav Raaghav 1:05.78 1:08.85 India 1:14.291:07.731:05.781:11.501:07.31
2 Laxman Saran 1:12.69 1:15.81 India 1:19.891:13.071:12.691:20.911:14.47
3 Hari Anirudh 1:08.66 1:18.24 India 1:24.611:24.201:15.631:08.661:14.90


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Joshua Koilpillai 2.63 2.95 United States 3.573.222.752.632.89
2 Emmanuel Rajapandian 3.00 4.05 India 3.005.713.833.914.41
3 Sai Mrudhun (சாய் மிருதுன்) 3.74 4.47 India 4.614.413.744.407.52


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Kunaal Parekh 10.66 18.63 India 24.7020.7615.7210.6619.42
2 Hari Anirudh 20.54 22.65 India 23.3920.5423.8120.7534.48
3 Naman Jain 17.68 27.38 India 24.7031.9325.5017.6842.03
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