Floripa Open 2023

Dec 16 - 17, 2023
Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil

EBM Professora Herondina Medeiros Zeferino

Servidão três Marias, 1072 Ingleses do Rio Vermelho, Florianópolis - SC, 88010-102

Entrar pela Servidão três Marias e seguir em direção ao refeitório. Passar porta e corredor.


Christian - Delegado

Ana Lúcia Pintro, Eliete Ananias dos Santos, and Michel Navarrina Moura
WCA Delegates
Christian de Sena Fortunato, Heron Sato, and Lucas Ichiro Yunomae
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

🇧🇷 Bem-vindos ao Floripa Open 2023!
Sua inscrição só será aprovada no site da WCA após a confirmação do pagamento, que deverá ser efetuado de forma antecipada - mais informações abaixo em "Requisitos de inscrição". Se tiver dificuldades em se inscrever, veja como fazer neste vídeo.
Favor ler o Regulamento da WCA antes da competição.
Teremos premiação para todas as modalidades oficiais e premiação extra-oficial para o feminino e para iniciantes na modalidade 'Cubo 3x3x3'. A premiação das modalidades extra-oficiais será feita de acordo com a classificação do competidor na competição. (não será definida pela primeira rodada)
** Inscrições no local serão aceitas apenas para a modalidade 3x3.**

🇺🇸 Welcome to Floripa Open 2023!
Your registration will only be approved in the WCA website after payment confirmation, which must be made in advance - more information below in "Registration requirements". If you have any problem with how to register, take a look at this video.
Please read the WCA Regulations before the competition.
We will have awards for all official events, and also unofficial awards for women and for beginners in the '3x3x3 Cube' event. The unofficial events awards will be given according to the competitor's position in the competition (It will not be based on the first round results.)
** Registrations at the venue will only be accepted for the 3x3 event.**

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 120 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is R$20 (Brazilian Real).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until by contacting the organization team.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of R$20 (Brazilian Real).
Any spectator can attend for free.

🇧🇷 21980273020 (Eliete A. dos Santos) Esta é a chave pix para pagamento. cfortunato@worldcubeassociation.org e este é o email para mandar o comprovante após efetuar o pagamento da taxa de inscrição.
Para se inscrever siga os passos abaixo.
1- Clique em "inscrever" nas informações da competição
2- Preencha todos os campos
3- Após aprovado no site da WCA você estará na lista para aprovação dos organizadores da competição
4- Faça o pagamento da inscrição (20R$) na chave do pix acima descrito (21980273020)
5- Envie o comprovante para o e-mail acima descrito (cfortunato@worldcubeassociation)
6- Aguarde aprovação da equipe de organização (não é automático).

🇺🇸 This is the email to pay for your registration fee, the payment is done via pix. After paying for the registration you have to send an email with the receipt.
follow these steps to register
1- Click on "register" on competition information
2- Fill out all the information required
3- After getting approved on the wca website you will be on the organization list for approval
4- Pay the fee (20R$) via pix (21980273020)
5- Send the payment receipt to this email (cfortunato@worldcubeassociation)
6- Wait for the organization to approve your registration (it is NOT automatic).

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Caio Hideaki Sato won with an average of 6.70 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Vitor Wagner Abreu finished second (9.02) and Christian de Sena Fortunato finished third (9.28).

3x3x3 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Caio Hideaki Sato 5.90 6.70 Brazil 5.907.646.378.976.08
2 Vitor Wagner Abreu 7.58 9.02 Brazil 8.847.5812.879.628.60
3 Christian de Sena Fortunato 8.14 9.28 Brazil 9.878.

2x2x2 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Caio Hideaki Sato 1.84 2.09 Brazil 2.02DNF2.211.842.05
2 Adriano Matoba Lipski 2.40 3.03 Brazil 2.763.432.894.292.40
3 Vitor Wagner Abreu 2.30 3.27 Brazil

4x4x4 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Caio Hideaki Sato 27.51 28.36 Brazil 27.9228.2730.7227.5128.88
2 Christian de Sena Fortunato 26.56 31.21 Brazil 29.8426.5633.0232.1931.59
3 Lucas Ichiro Yunomae 33.35 35.23 Brazil 39.0733.9433.3534.8036.94

5x5x5 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Caio Hideaki Sato 54.45 57.77 Brazil 54.451:07.8656.5456.641:00.13
2 Lucas Ichiro Yunomae 54.59 1:00.98 Brazil 1:04.1258.9754.591:04.5059.85
3 Vitor Wagner Abreu 58.28 1:05.01 Brazil 1:08.871:09.5759.1858.281:06.97

6x6x6 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Lucas Ichiro Yunomae 1:46.75 1:58.62 Brazil 2:07.621:46.752:01.49
2 Caio Hideaki Sato 2:02.49 2:07.77 Brazil 2:07.852:12.982:02.49
3 Adriano Matoba Lipski 2:12.22 2:23.43 Brazil 2:34.032:24.032:12.22

7x7x7 Cube

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Lucas Ichiro Yunomae 3:02.19 3:09.50 Brazil 3:07.863:02.193:18.46
2 Caio Hideaki Sato 3:32.37 3:37.56 Brazil 3:46.733:32.373:33.58
3 Adriano Matoba Lipski 3:24.89 3:51.37 Brazil 4:02.644:06.593:24.89

3x3x3 Blindfolded

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Diego Meneghetti 24.20 26.61 Brazil 24.2027.2628.36
2 Pedro Henrique Maciel Ceccopieri Belo 1:40.72 DNF Brazil DNF1:40.72DNF
3 Bruno Henrique de Abreu 2:10.26 DNF Brazil DNF2:33.312:10.26

3x3x3 One-Handed

# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Caio Hideaki Sato 8.62 11.04 Brazil 13.7413.298.629.6110.23
2 Adriano Matoba Lipski 13.46 16.17 Brazil 18.8013.4615.5614.1619.30
3 Diego Meneghetti 15.49 16.46 Brazil 22.5415.7317.5816.0615.49


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Mario Armando Takahashi Martins Dias 4.95 7.14 Brazil 7.159.978.295.994.95
2 Heron Sato 6.70 7.91 Brazil 8.408.09DNF7.256.70
3 Maria Clara Rodrigues Garola Lima 5.27 8.14 Brazil 7.259.305.277.86DNF


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Vitor Wagner Abreu 38.98 39.93 Brazil 39.2244.6938.9839.0241.55
2 Caio Hideaki Sato 41.19 48.57 Brazil 49.8452.4847.3348.5441.19
3 Mario Armando Takahashi Martins Dias 43.87 51.71 Brazil 51.7748.3543.8759.3355.00


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Caio Hideaki Sato 2.86 3.29 Brazil 2.863.632.883.354.55
2 Mario Armando Takahashi Martins Dias 2.50 3.39 Brazil 2.503.425.323.213.53
3 Vitor Wagner Abreu 3.14 5.49 Brazil 5.716.113.144.669.27


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Caio Hideaki Sato 2.47 4.16 Brazil 3.104.93DNF4.462.47
2 Vitor Wagner Abreu 4.48 5.36 Brazil 4.975.554.485.555.93
3 Vitória Silveira Mozzini 5.80 7.08 Brazil 8.526.019.086.715.80


# Name Best Average Representing Solves
1 Eduardo Simici 8.86 9.88 Brazil 9.148.8612.2710.789.72
2 Mario Armando Takahashi Martins Dias 10.09 16.80 Brazil 16.7620.4115.4818.1510.09
3 Vitor Wagner Abreu 13.49 17.06 Brazil 18.3315.4618.5317.4013.49
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