Don't DNF Dublin 2020

Mar 7, 2020
Dublin, Ireland

Bracken Court Hotel

Bridge St, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin

Ardgillan Suite


Seán O'Toole and Simon Kelly
WCA Delegate
Mary Hennessy
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.
Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 75 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is €10 (Euro).
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 100% of your registration fee.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Cham J. Chambers won with a single solve of 56.17 seconds in the 3x3x3 Blindfolded event. William Gan Wei Ren (颜伟仁) finished second (1:17.88) and Clément Cherblanc finished third (1:19.42).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Ciarán Beahan 7.02 7.65 Ireland 7.427.827.027.7215.27
2x2x2 Cube Keith Jackman 2.14 2.75 Ireland 3.172.847.042.142.23
3x3x3 Blindfolded Cham J. Chambers 56.17 DNF United Kingdom DNFDNF56.17
Clock Cham J. Chambers 5.33 6.05 United Kingdom 6.836.456.025.685.33
Megaminx Clément Cherblanc 51.42 54.79 France 56.5455.5153.9154.9551.42
Square-1 Clément Cherblanc 8.34 11.72 France 9.1010.988.3415.0816.36
4x4x4 Blindfolded Simon Kelly 12:58.00 NR DNF Ireland DNFDNF12:58.00
5x5x5 Blindfolded Brandon Poulton 24:09.00 DNF United Kingdom 24:09.00DNSDNS
3x3x3 Multi-Blind James McCambridge 10/13 54:10 Ireland 10/13 54:10

The Competitor Limit has been reached. All new registrations will be placed on a waiting list. Registration is only complete when the fee has been paid. Competitors who do not get a place will receive a full refund

New Competitors

New competitors are always welcome, but there are some important things to note.
1. Firstly please ensure to bring identification containing your name, date of birth, and the country for which you are competeing. Examples of appropriate forms of ID include Passports, Drivers Licences, Age Cards and Birth Certificates. This is a requirement as per the requlations.
2. Secondly, it is highly recommended to have a look through the regulations and watch a competitor tutorial like this. The organization team will be running a tutorial at the start of each day and it is highly recommended that you attend this. A strong knowledge of the rules and regulations will help your first competition experience go smoothly.

All Competitors

  • The smooth running of competitions relies heavily on people volunteering to judge/run. Anyone can help judge and if you are not sure how to judge, the members of the organizational team would be happy to help. For parents, it is a great way to pass the time and also to enjoy the competition and its environment. We expect all competitors to be available to help judge for the other groups in any event that you are registered to compete in. If you are directly asked to judge, please go and judge for the remainder of the round in progress. If you do not comply then we are within our rights to disqualify you from the competition as per Regulation 1e2.
  • Please note that Carbon-Fiber puzzles are not permitted, and please make sure your cube complies with logo regulations!
  • When you are competing and have handed in your puzzle, please make sure to be waiting in the designated area so that judges and runners do not have to come searching for you.
  • Please DO NOT talk about the scrambles or your solutions whilst the round is in progress as per Regulation 2g3.
  • During blindfolded events, please stay silent within the venue. These events require a high amount of concentration and any noise can be distracting. We will announce when the silence will begin and when you may talk within the venue again.
  • No flash photography under any circumstance within the venue. It is extremely distracting for competitors.
  • If you are a spectator, please stay 1.5m away from competitors at all times as per Regulation 7b. If you are filming someone competing, please stay out of the competitor area. Please treat the venue with respect, put all of your rubbish in bins, black bin bags, or take it home with you and keep your area tidy.
  • There are thousands of puzzles at these events, make sure to keep yours together so you don't lose them! Keeping them in a bag and looking after it at all times is recommended. If you do lose a puzzle, please contact us at the link on the General Info page, it is likely that someone has handed it in to us.
  • We will be taking videos and photographs of the competition and the environment for our social media pages and website. By attending the competition as a competitor or a guest, you are accepting that you may be filmed or photographed for these purposes.
  • If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact any of the organizational team or a delegate for this competition.

Multi-Blind Competitors

Please note that all puzzles being submitted for the multi-blind event must be submitted before 1:50pm on Saturday.

The Eircode for the venue is (K32 D521)


Balbriggan is easily accessible by car, if you turn off the M1 at junction 5. There is car parking available at the venue.


Balbriggan is on the train line from Dublin city. When you arrive to Balbriggan on the train, leave the train station and walk straight until you reach the main street. Then take a left. Keep walking for approximately 200m. The venue should be on your left.


There are three main bus routes that travel to Balbriggan, The Dublin Bus 33 and 33a. There is also the Bus Eireann 101.
The 101 can bring you from the airport to within a one minute walk from the venue. Get off the bus at the Balbriggan community centre stop, and keeping the community centre on your left, walk straight until you reach a junction. The hotel is directly in front of you.
The 33 and 33a have the same stops in Balbriggan. The 33a will not bring you to/from the airport. The 33 will. Get off at Old Market Green. From here, keep Lidl on your left and walk until you reach the community centre. Turn right and walk straight until you reach a junction. The hotel is directly in front of you.


The venue for the competition is a hotel and has some rooms available, you can book these through (which tends to be cheaper) or through the website for the Bracken court its self. There are some B&Bs and Airbnb's in the area but we also highly recommend checking in areas such as Skerries, Malahide, Donabate, and Rush for accommodation as they are only a very short train journey away from the venue. We also recommend to book early to avoid many places being full.


The venue is on the main street of Balbriggan and there are multiple fast food restaurants, shops and restaurants nearby such as Apache Pizza, Noodle Box, Spar, Supervalu, and the Borza Takeaway. If you need any more information regarding where to go, please feel free to contact the organisation team

Q: How do I register?

A: First you need to make sure you have created a WCA account. You can do this by going to the sign-up page and creating an account. Once you have created the account and confirmed your email address, go to the Register section and follow the instructions carefully.

Q: Why am I not on the registration list yet?

A: Please make sure that you have followed the instructions in the Register section. You could also be on the waiting list. The competitor limit can be found on the General Info page, and you can see the number on accepted competitors on the Competitors page. If you have done everything correctly and the competition is not full then just be patient. We have to manually approve registrations and the organisers aren't available all the time. If you believe you have followed the steps correctly but still are not on the registration list after 2 days, then feel free to email us at the contact link on the General Info page.

Q: Can I change the events I am registered for?

A: If you would like to change the events for which you registered, as long as you are within the registration opening period, please contact a member of the organisation team who will be able to change your registration. Please note that an increase in the number of events you are registered for may accompany an increase in registration fee as per the information page

Q: I am no longer able to attend, what do I do?

A: Please tell us as soon as you can via the contact link on the General Info page. Competitions generally fill up quite quickly and by letting us know in advance, means that while you get a refund, the place opens up for another competitor on the waiting list.

Q: If I do not attend do I get a refund?

A: As long as you are within the refund period, please notify a member of the organisation team who will issue a full refund.

Q: How fast do I have to be to compete?

A: While it is a good idea to check the Schedule for the cutoff and time-limits to check if you would be able to make these times, for many people this does not matter as they come for the fun of competing and meeting people with similar interests to themselves

Q: Are there different age categories?

A: All competitors compete on the same level and all ages are welcome. The average age is around 10-20 but everyone is welcome to compete and attend the event.

Q: Do I use my cubes to compete?

A: You must provide all your cubes to compete. Please note that many other people may have the same or a similar cube to you so look after your cubes so that they do not go missing

Q: Can I come only to spectate?

A: Spectating this competition will be free for everyone. Please be respectful of competitors while they are competing and remain at least 1.5 meters away from the solving stations as per regulation 7b.

Q: When do I arrive at the competition?

A: If you are a new competitor, we highly recommend that you show up for the competitor tutorial which is held as the first thing on both days. Otherwise, we recommend you turn up at least 15 minutes before your first event, you can check when this is on the Schedule tab. This will give you enough time to register, find a seat, and warm-up.

Q: What do I do when I arrive?

A: The first thing you do when you arrive is to find the registration desk if registration is open. If you arrive before registration opens, we will announce as to when it does open. If there is nobody present at the registration desk then find a staff member and we will make sure to register you.

Q: When can I leave the competition?

A: You are more than welcome to leave whenever you want. If you have no more events left then you are not required to stay.

Q: How do I find results?

A: All the results will be found on this page a couple of days after the competition, once they have all been checked and uploaded. If you are looking for live results, they can all be found on the WCA Live website.

Live results at the competition are provided courtesy of WCA Live

Please note that the results may not be entered immediately. It is important that the competition is running smoothly before we can enter data. Sometimes there might be a delay of up to an hour before the results for a round are entered.

Each event is run in groups, depending on how many people are competing in the event depends on how many groups there are. We call each group up one at a time in order to complete their solves during the scheduled time for the round. We have software that automatically picks what groups you are in, the judges, and who scrambles for each group. This is the minimum amount you should be helping out as it only is for first rounds. We always appreciate extra help!

Please note down which groups you are competing and scrambling in before arriving at the competition!


Click Here!

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced (see Regulation A1a2).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced across rounds (see Guideline A1a2++).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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