Forum Digest (November 2022)

Announced by Rui Reis on

Here are some notable threads on the WCA Forum in the second half of 2022.

Summarized Version of the WCA Regulations
This thread proposes a summarized version of the entire regulations to make it easy for newer and/or young competitors to stay informed at competitions and to increase literacy with the regulations. The education resources on the WCA is one example of conveying regulations in an easy way.

Incentives for organizing series competitions
Series competitions are a solution to excessive competition demand. This thread goes into finding suggestions and ideas of having series competitions in dense cubing areas as opposed to more big competitions to cater to the local cubing community.

Unofficial WCA Languages announcement
There are new subcategories for 5 languages, which are Arabic, German, Russian, Spanish and Swedish. The aim of this is for non-native English speakers to get introduced to the forums and pitch their feedback and ideas.

Allow competitors to opt-out of having their competition registration made public
This thread proposes a change to the registration process by not publicly showing registered competitors name.The goal of this change is to display competitors limits/status and their name optionally shown.

3D Printed Square-1 Cover to prevent misalignments
This thread shows a solution of using 3D Printed Square-1 Cover to prevent misalignments after scrambling while it is brought to the solving station. It is a convenient solution and some organizers have started using it to save potential confusion at competitions.

If you have any questions, comments, or feedback feel free to send an email to

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