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Incident: A judge forgot to hold a sheet between the competitor's face and the puzzle (extra available)

Status: Resolved


DaytonWinter2017 ManchesterOpen2019 PBQBerkeley2018 PBQOshawa2019 SacCubingVI2019 TGBBO2019

Incident description and resolution:

A judge forgot to hold a sheet between the competitor's face and the puzzle. This was found after the end of the attempt and a provisional extra was granted.
The WRC decided to accept the result as there was no sign of the competitor abusing the situation and it was not his fault.

This decision is similar to a previous decision by the Board in 2016, see this incident.

The same situation occurred during PBQ Berkeley 2018 where the original attempt was kept.

For a lot of incidents, the WRC used the reasoning that it's better to use an extra attempt where the procedure was correctly followed over an existing attempt where there was a problem with the procedure.
The WRC used this reasoning for PBQ Oshawa 2019, where an extra was available and used over the existing attempt.

This incident was created on .
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