Eugene Cubing Spring 2025
- Date
- Mar 8, 2025
- City
- Eugene, Oregon, United States
- Venue
Kelly Middle School
- Address
- 850 Howard Ave, Eugene, OR 97404
- Details
- Contact
- Organization team
- Organizers
- Benjamin Gottschalk, Pacific Northwest Cubing, Sonya Carlson, and Tripp Peters
- WCA Delegates
- Benjamin Gottschalk, Clancy Caster, and Tripp Peters
- Download all the competition's details as PDF .
- Information
- Visit our webpage
- See our upcoming competitions
- Join our Facebook community
- Follow us on Instagram
- Join our Discord
By registering for this competition, you should be aware of the WCA Regulations and this specific competitions Competitor Responsibilites.
Notice of filming and photography: Attendees of PNW Cubing competitions consent to their images being used by PNW cubing and its partners in marketing materials, social media and other digital platforms.
- Events
- Main event
- Competitor limit
- 100
- Number of times bookmarked
- 24
- Registration period
Online registration opened and will close .
- Registration requirements
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 100 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is $25 (United States Dollar).
The registration fee has to be paid through Stripe here once registered.
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 50% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.
Any spectator can attend for free.
Your registration will not be confirmed (moved from the waiting list) until payment has been completed. Please note that even after payment, registrations need to be manually approved before appearing on the registration list.
Competitors will be accepted from the waitlist in the order that they paid.
Come join the PNW Cubers Facebook group! This is the best way to keep up-to-date on all of the competitions happening in the PNW. You can also visit our website and sign up for our newsletter.
This competition will be sponsored by TheCubicle!
They will be providing gift-card prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in every event.
If you haven't checked out their store already, we highly recommend you do! They will not be selling puzzles onsite.
To be redirected to their site, either click HERE or the logo below!
All Attendees (Spectators/Families)
- All spectators are welcome to attend this event for free without any prior registration.
- We enthusiastically welcome all non-competitors who want to assist with judging during the competition! It's a wonderful way to support the event that your child or loved one enjoys and make the time fly by as well.
All Competitors
All competitions are volunteer-run. We will have staff to cover the core responsbilities, but we will need help with judging throughout the competition.
We will provide a judging and competitor tutorial at the beginning of the day, right before the start of 3x3, which will also overview our new procedures. This will allow anyone with questions about how to judge to be properly prepared when they are expected to help.
Before the competition, you will receive a card/nametag with personalized information detailing your events and what group you will be competing in for each event in an email. We will be relying on competitors to help by judging whenever they are not competing. Judging is very easy, and is a great way to make time fly!
We will need help judging for the second/final rounds of events as we can not assign staff for those in advance. Spectators are encouraged to learn how to judge; you do not need to know how to cube in order to be a great judge. Having enough judges ensures that we stay on schedule and are able to leave on time.
By registering for this competition you agree that you understand and will follow all the information listed above.
There are multiple things a first-timer must know before competing. All newcomers must be familiar with the WCA Regulations before competing. There is a video here for the basic overview of the rules.
In addition, please read this document before coming to the competition to learn about the procedures for judging.
When you arrive, you will receive a card/nametag with personalized information detailing your events and what group you will be competing in for each event. In addition, you will also receive staffing assignments. All competitors are expected to help at this competition. For each event you sign up for, you will be assigned to help out for just one group of that event. If you do not arrive to help during your scheduled event, and there are not enough staff members, we reserve the right to disqualify you from competing.
We will provide a judging tutorial at the beginning of the day, right before the start of the 3x3x3 speedsolve event. This will allow anyone with questions about how to judge to be properly prepared when they are expected to help. We hope that this system will fairly divide up the judging of the competition and make the competition run smoothly for all.
The competition will be held in the gym at Kelly Middle School in Eugene OR. There will be signs at the venue directing to the gym.
Here is a map of the venue:
This competition will be sponsored by TheCubicle! Thanks so much to them for their continued support.
Gift card prizes will be given out to all who place in the top 3 of each event.
We will be holding an unoffical round of Mirror Blocks during lunch. If you would like to compete, please fill out this form:
Time limit
If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).
The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.