[Cancelled] Cubing Cafetalón 2020

Note: This competition has been cancelled. Please check the information section for more details.

Registration requirements for the competition:

Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 100 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is $5 (United States Dollar).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.

Requisitos de registro para esta competencia:
1. Completar el registro correctamente.
2. El pago de la inscirpción debe hacerse a la Cuenta no. XXX (Registro ha terminado) del Banco Agricola a nombre de Joel Alexander Hernandez Amaya y seguidamente enviar un correo a joelcuber@gmail.com con el asunto "Cubing Cafetalón 2020" e incluir una foto del comprobante de pago, indicando los datos de la persona inscrita (Nombre, Apellidos, WCA ID si lo tiene, Fecha de Nacimiento) asi como las categorìas a realizar. El correo con dicha informacion debe ser recibido a mas tardar el dia domingo 9 de marzo de 2020 a las 11:59 pm GMT-6 (hora local).
El pago incluye la participacion para todas las categorias disponibles.
3. Su registro sera aceptado solamente si se cumplen los requisitos arriba mencionados. NO se haran reembolsos si su registro no es aceptado por el incumplimiento de alguno de estos requisitos.

Registration requirements for the competition:
1. Complete the registration correctly.
2. The registration fee has to be paid to Banco Agricola´s Account number XXX (Registration is closed) to the name of Joel Alexander Hernandez Amaya, thereafter send an email to joelcuber@gmail.com with the subject "Cubing Cafetalón 2020" including a picture of the payment receipt, the competitor's information (Name, Last name, WCA ID if you have it,date of birth), and the categories to participate in. The email must be sent latest by Sunday March 9th 2020 at 11:59 pm GMT-6 (local time).
The payment includes all available categories.
3. Your registration will be accepted only if the requirements mentioned above are met. There will not be any refunds if your registration is not accepted due to failing to comply with any of the requirements.

Registration closed about 4 years ago on .
Sign in to check the status of your registration. If you do not yet have a WCA account, you can create one here, but it is too late to register for this competition.
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