Bogor Comeback 2019

Registration requirements for the competition:

Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 150 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is Rp50,000 (Indonesian Rupiah).
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 100% of your registration fee.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of Rp70,000 (Indonesian Rupiah).

  1. Please enter your mobile number or Whatsapp in the registration comment
  2. Pay the registration fee (for Early Bird payment, see the picture below).
  3. Send the payment receipt, Partcipant full name, and the bank account owner name to dhafin yashi syah (Whats app +6282261889693) or email it to as a payment cofirmation

On The Spot
Come and pay the fee on competition day at registration table.

Early Bird
Duration of early bird is from 6 March 2019 until 5 April 2019.
Bank Account :
- BCA 0354375865 a/n Salamun Norman Austin
- BRI 094801015877533 a/n Salamun Norman Austin
- Mandiri 1330012683017 a/n Salamun Norman Austin

After transferring the fee, please Confirm to Dhafin (+62-822-6188-9693) / Austin (+62-812-9330-0334)
Confirmation format :
(name)-(bank destination)-(transfer date)-(transfer amount)
Example :
Naufal Shidqi-BCA-11/03/2019-120.000

Please Bring the transfer receipt on competition day or send the screenshot to Dhafin (+62-822-6188-9693) / Austin (+62-812-9330-0334)
NOTE : Early Bird Is refundable UNTIL 5 April 2019

Image description

Explanation (Penjelasan):
Early Bird :
Registration fee for 8 events or more is 130.000.
(Biaya pendaftaran untuk 8 event atau lebih adalah 130.000.)
On The Spot:
Registration fee for 8 events or more is 190.000.
(Biaya pendaftaran untuk 8 event atau lebih adalah 190.000.)

  1. Silakan masukkan nomor ponsel atau Whatsapp Anda di komentar pendaftaran
  2. Bayar biaya pendaftaran (untuk pembayaran Early Bird, lihat gambar di atas).
  3. Kirim kwitansi pembayaran, nama lengkap Peserta, dan nama pemilik rekening bank ke dhafin yashi syah (Whats app +6282261889693) atau kirimkan melalui email ke sebagai konfirmasi pembayaran

On The Spot
Datang dan bayar biaya pendaftaran pada hari H di meja registrasi.

Early Bird
Early bird dimulai dari 6 Maret 2019 sampai 5 April 2019
Nomor Rekening :
- BCA 0354375865 a/n Salamun Norman Austin
- BRI 094801015877533 a/n Salamun Norman Austin
- Mandiri 1330012683017 a/n Salamun Norman Austin

Setelah melakukan transfer, mohon Konfirmasi ke Dhafin (+62-822-6188-9693) / Austin (+62-812-9330-0334)
Format konfirmasi :
(nama)-(bank tujuan)-(tanggal transfer)-(jumlah transfer)
Contoh :
Naufal Shidqi-BCA-11/03/2019-120.000

Mohon bawa bukti transfer pada hari H atau kirim screenshoot ke Dhafin (+62-822-6188-9693) / Austin (+62-812-9330-0334)
CATATAN : Uang Early Bird bisa dikembalikan Hingga 5 APRIL 2019

Registration closed about 5 years ago on .
Sign in to check the status of your registration. If you do not yet have a WCA account, you can create one here, but it is too late to register for this competition.
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