TNoodle 0.15.0

Announced by Alexandre Henrique Afonso Campos on

TNoodle-WCA-0.15.0 is now available on the Scrambles page
The following changes have been made, since the previous version:

Changes visible to the regular competitor:

  • Better spacing on FMC cutout sheets.
  • Competitor can fill competition's name on FMC filling sheet.

Changes visible to staff members:

  • Since competitors can fill competition's name on the FMC filling sheet, you can reuse sheets across competitions (in case you got some left).
  • Prevent Multi-Blind from being set to 1 cube (prevent input mistakes).
  • Show a table with rounds and groups for each event when generating scrambles for a competition.
  • Option to print ordered scrambles matching the schedule.

Upcoming competitions should use TNoodle-WCA-0.15.0 to generate new scrambles, when possible. However, since we have just a few changes that directly affect competitors, TNoodle-WCA-0.14.0 will briefly remain an officially permitted version (competition scrambles for the coming week that have already been generated using TNoodle-WCA-0.14.0 can still be used).

Please remember that official competitions must use a current version of the official scramble program. This is always available from:

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