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Incident: A judge forgot to hold a sight blocker for a significant amount of time in a 3x3x3 Blindfolded attempt

Status: Resolved


PleaseBeSolvedVancouver2022 SilverSpringSummer2022

Incident description and resolution:

During Please Be Solved Vancouver 2022 (Jul 24, 2022) and Silver Spring Summer 2022 (Aug 13, 2022), a judge forgot to hold a sight blocker for a significant amount of time in a 3BLD attempt.

In both cases, the decision from the WCA Regulations Committee was to keep the extra attempt. However, in the latter, the decision was overturned by the WCA Board of Directors, thus keeping the original attempt.

The WCA Board of Directors provided the following reasons:

  1. No change in the execution speed or positioning of the competitor's head to indicate that they were looking at the cube initially.
  2. The speed is in line with the competitor's abilities per previous competitions which were without incidents.
  3. It is not the fault of the competitor, but the judge. No actions from the competitor lead to the impression of cheating or even trying to gain an advantage from the situation.

This incident was created on .
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