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Incident: Old version of TNoodle used for Pyraminx scrambles

Status: Resolved

4b3f 4f scrambles


Incident description and resolution:

While re-generating scrambles for the 1st round of Pyraminx to accommodate a larger number of competitor groups, the Delegate accidentally used a version of TNoodle from 3 years ago (0.9.0). This version of TNoodle generates a different distribution of Pyraminx scrambles from the current version (0.13.3). Although it is unclear if this could have had a significant impact on competitors in this particular case, there is no general way to decide whether competitors may have received an advantage in an incident like this. As a result, the WRC has decided that Regulation 4f applies to this incident without exception, invalidating results from affected people in the first round of Pyraminx from YJ Fest 2018.

Note: TNoodle contains a mechanism to contact the WCA website and detect if it is out of date, but this mechanism cannot detect if it is out of date when the computer is not connected to the internet (which is common at competitions). Individuals generating scrambles are reminded to take care and make sure they have the latest version of TNoodle on hand.

We know that this is a harsh decision that affects a significant number of competitors. However, the integrity of scrambles in WCA competitions is essential and the mission of the WCA states that we must strive for fair and equal conditions.

This incident was created on .
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