Ankara January 2023

Registration requirements for the competition:

Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 100 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is ₺150 (Turkish Lira).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until by contacting the organization team.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of ₺150 (Turkish Lira).


Ana giriş ücreti : 150 TL (3x3 kategorisi için)
2-4 kategori giriş ücreti: 250 TL
5-8 kategori giriş ücreti: 300 TL
9-10 kategori giriş ücreti: 350 TL

Kayıt ücretleri yarışma girişinde kayıt masasında ödenecektir. Kayıt ücreti tab'ini kontrol edin lütfen.
Yarışmadan 1 hafta önce onay için mail atılacaktır, lütfen maillerinizi kontrol edin.


Base registration fee: 150 TL (3x3 category included)
2-4 category registration fee: 250 TL
5-8 category registration fee: 300 TL
9-10 category registration fee: 350 TL

Registration fees will be paid at the registration desk at the entrance of the competition. Check the registration fee tab please.
1 week before the competition, an e-mail will be sent for confirmation, please check your e-mails.

Registration closed over 1 year ago on .
Sign in to check the status of your registration. If you do not yet have a WCA account, you can create one here, but it is too late to register for this competition.
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