Changes regulation on sticker/tiles

Ton (2009-07-21 13:32:11 +0000)
I like to propose two changes instead of 3e) Twisty puzzles must either have coloured stickers or coloured tiles. I propose 3e) Twisty puzzles must either have printed/painted colours, coloured stickers or coloured tiles. 2s4) For competitors who are colour blind, puzzles with symbols with a darker/lighter shade of the same colour is allowed instead of printed/painted colours, coloured stickers or coloured tiles. For example a green sticker with a darker green circle is allowed as long as it has no texture or is lifted. Motivation 3e) Some cube -even Rubik- have printed colours 2s4) fairness colour blind have an extra handicap when there is not sufficient or bad light, e.g. Brandon DNFed on one solve in Czech as he did not notice that the green/red was swapped -light came only from the up-front. A sticker of the same colour with a symbol of the same colour (darker of lighter) does not give advantage compared to normal stickers, at least if it has not raised or have texture
Kenneth Gustavsson (2010-03-25 16:11:35 +0000)
As I understand the only reason for not allowing painted puzzles is that Seven Towns was involved in the first set of regulations and they wanted to sell as many as possible of their crappy and expensive replacement sets, crappy with purpose, so we constantly have to by new ones (correct me if I'm wrong in this, it is just a guess but it is in the same line as only allowing the Rubik brand as it was earlier for some mayor competitions) Thank you lord for cubesmith :mrgreen:
Ron (2010-04-11 19:03:23 +0000)
[quote:11vd33fv]the only reason for not allowing painted puzzles is that Seven Towns was involved in the first set of regulations[/quote:11vd33fv] I think that is not the case. We simply did not have (and still do not have) a lot of people using cubes with painted colours. The ones I saw were also pretty ugly. This is the first time we change the regulations for stickers, so I think painted colours should be OK. I hope to do this for this year's regulations, but otherwise next year.
anders (2010-04-12 13:03:16 +0000)
The painted cubes are out there, and they look pretty good. In fact, they look better than many stickered cubes. 10+ painted cubes were disqualified at Malysian Open 2009, a handful at Singapore Open 2010 and one was stickered in the last minute at Bucalan Open 2010.
BryanLogan (2010-04-12 13:06:24 +0000)
[quote="Ron":wq2946a7]We simply did not have (and still do not have) a lot of people using cubes with painted colours. [/quote:wq2946a7] Some of the mini cubes are quite popular for OH and they are painted.
Ron (2010-04-13 05:54:41 +0000)
I think Regulations 2010 still do not allow the painted colours. Am I right? Which changes do I have to do?
anders (2010-04-13 09:23:22 +0000)
[quote="Ron":2e31nnp5]I think Regulations 2010 still do not allow the painted colours. Am I right? Which changes do I have to do?[/quote:2e31nnp5] Current (Final version 2009) regulations: 3e) Twisty puzzles must either have coloured stickers or coloured tiles. Suggested 2010 regulations: 3d) Puzzles must either have coloured stickers, coloured tiles, or textures.. To allow painted cubes: 3d) Puzzles must either have coloured stickers, coloured tiles, textures or being painted.
Ron (2010-04-13 19:33:45 +0000)
There were quite a few more occassions, but painted colours are accepted now. Thanks.
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