2014 Regulations Draft

Lucas (2013-12-28 11:20:53 +0000)
View the draft on the WCA website: [url:2clutsat]https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/regulations/2014-draft/[/url:2clutsat] You can view a complete list of differences at GitHub: [url:2clutsat]https://github.com/cubing/wca-documents/compare/2014-draft[/url:2clutsat] For a summarized list of main changes, visit the announcement draft at [url:2clutsat]https://github.com/cubing/wca-documents/issues/112[/url:2clutsat]. Changes are based on public discussions, with Board voting on proposals for controversial changes (proposals include pros, cons, and community support/concerns -- they can be found by following the GitHub links). If you disagree strongly with a change, feel free to discuss it in the appropriate thread or email the WRC. However, note that this probably won't change anything unless you introduce a strong issue that we hadn't considered. However, we would benefit from a lot of people looking at the changes before they go official. If you find any mistakes, or have suggestions for improving any part of the changes, please let us know.
igaby (2013-12-31 07:21:28 +0000)
Cool! 8)
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