TKTK Workday Cubing I 2023

Apr 26, 2023
Tallinn, Estonia

Tallinn University of Applied Sciences

Pärnu maantee 62, 10135 Tallinn, Estonia



Organization team

Alfred Saidlo, Niko Ronkainen, Oliver Pällo, and Remo Pihel
WCA Delegates
Andrei Solntsev and Niko Ronkainen
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Eesti kuubik

NB! This competition takes place on a Wednesday!

NB! The main event of this competition is Square-1!

All competitors must be present during all groups!

Excel file to keep track of the cumulative time limit can be found here.
NB! Make a copy of the spreadsheet to edit it!
Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 20 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is €10 (Euro).
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 50% of your registration fee.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
If you are a registered competitor you may change your registered events until on the Register tab.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.

Competitors may register in at most 10 events.

NB! Uue võistluse formaadiga seoses, on võimalik valida maksimaalselt 4 ala järgnevast loetelust: 3x3, 2x2, 3x3OH, püraminks, skjuub, square-1, clock.
Ülejäänud kumulatiivset ajalimiiti saab piiramatult kasutada teiste alade lahendamiseks: 4x4, 6x6, 7x7, megaminks, 3BLD, 4BLD.

If you are unable to pay via Stripe, please contact the organizers.

If you have paid in advance - paid registration fees for competitions that you did not attend, but notified the organizers in time, please include it in the comment field when registering.

NB! Due to the new format of this competition, it is possible to only choose a maximum of 4 events from the following list: 3x3, 2x2, 3x3OH, pyraminx, skewb, square-1, clock.
The rest of the cumulative time limit can be used to solve the other events: 4x4, 6x6, 7x7, megaminx, 3BLD, 4BLD.

Kui te ei saa maksta Stripe'iga, palun võtke ühendust korraldajatega.

Kui olete sooritanud ettemakse - näiteks maksnud osalustasu eelneva võistluse jaoks, kus te osaleda ei saanud, kuid teavitasite korraldajaid oma mittetulemisest enne märgitud aega, siis palun lisage see registreerimisel kommentaarina.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Remo Pihel won with an average of 13.97 seconds in the Square-1 event. Maksim Zemtšihhin finished second (15.04) and Oliver Pällo finished third (16.28).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Kaur Tuule 6.68 7.20 Estonia
2x2x2 Cube Pelle Mandel 1.53 3.00 Estonia 2.332.821.534.403.85
4x4x4 Cube Kaur Tuule 29.06 34.36 Estonia 32.1135.3335.6336.8929.06
6x6x6 Cube Niko Ronkainen 2:18.95 2:20.96 Finland 2:24.622:18.952:19.31
7x7x7 Cube Kait Rosenberg 2:58.08 3:05.06 Estonia 3:11.603:05.512:58.08
3x3x3 Blindfolded Andrei Solntsev 2:23.14 DNF Estonia 2:23.14DNSDNS
3x3x3 One-Handed Kaur Tuule 12.97 14.96 Estonia 15.2015.1614.5217.0612.97
Clock Oliver Pällo 4.10 5.26 Estonia 5.674.10DNF4.875.25
Megaminx Remo Pihel 50.38 58.71 Estonia 1:03.401:01.231:03.2550.3851.66
Pyraminx Remo Pihel 2.58 3.31 Estonia 2.993.272.583.674.91
Skewb Niko Ronkainen 3.56 5.38 Finland 7.235.663.565.724.77
Square-1 Remo Pihel 10.66 13.97 Estonia 10.6616.2413.6513.6314.63
4x4x4 Blindfolded Andrei Solntsev 9:23.48 DNF Estonia 9:23.48DNFDNS

Eesti kuubik


Uue võistluse formaadiga seoses, on võimalik valida maksimaalselt 4 ala järgnevast loetelust: 3x3, 2x2, 3x3OH, püraminks, skjuub, square-1, clock.

Ülejäänud kumulatiivset ajalimiiti saab piiramatult kasutada teiste alade lahendamiseks: 4x4, 6x6, 7x7, megaminks, 3BLD, 4BLD.

Võistlusel osalemiseks peate:
1. Registreerima end WCA lehel. Kohapeal registreerumine pole lubatud.
2. Tasuma osavõtutasu Stripe'i maksega, muidu ei kinnitata teie registreeringut.

Osavõtutasu ja mitteosalemine

  • Osavõtutasu on 10 €.
  • Kui ilmneb, et te ei saa mingil põhjusel osaleda, siis palun teavitage sellest kohe korraldajaid!
  • Palun teavitage korraldajaid ka siis, kui ilmneb kasvõi võistluspäeva hommikul, et te ei saa osaleda.

Kui olete sooritanud ettemakse - näiteks maksnud osalustasu eelneva võistluse jaoks, kus te osaleda ei saanud, kuid teavitasite korraldajaid oma mittetulemisest enne märgitud aega, siis palun lisage see registreerimisel kommentaarina!

General information

Due to the new format of this competition, it is possible to only choose a maximum of 4 events from the following list: 3x3, 2x2, 3x3OH, pyraminx, skewb, square-1, clock.

The rest of the cumulative time limit can be used to solve the other events: 4x4, 6x6, 7x7, megaminx, 3BLD, 4BLD.

To participate you must:
1. Register on the WCA website. On the spot registrations are not permitted.
2. Pay your registration fee via Stripe.

Registration fee and being unable to participate

  • The registration fee is 10 euros.
  • If you are unable to participate, then please notify the organizers as soon as possible!
  • Notify the organizers even if you find out that you are unable to compete on the competition day.

If you have paid in advance - paid registration fees for competitions that you did not attend, but did notify the organizers in time, please include it in the comment field when registering!

Regulatsioonid / Regulations

  • Iga võistleja peab enne võistlust end WCA regulatsioonidega kurssi viima ning neist aru saama.
  • Regulatsioonid on kättesaadavad WCA veebilehel.
  • Vaadake seda videot, et saada põhiline ülevaade regulatsioonidest.
  • Vaadake ka seda WCA võistlemisjuhendit.
  • Igal uuel võistlejal peab olema kaasas isikut tõendav dokument.

  • Each competitor must be familiar with and understand the WCA Regulations before the competition.
  • Regulations are available on the WCA website.
  • You can have a look at this video to get a basic overview of the regulations.
  • It is also recommended that you read through this WCA tutorial.
  • Each first time competitor must have a valid form of ID with them for identification.

General information

The competition will be held at Tallinn University of Applied Sciences. The address is Pärnu maantee 62, 10135 Tallinn, Estonia.



Arriving and leaving by bus:

  • TPilet (Estonian bus lines)
  • Lux Express (International bus line, Riga-Tallinn line also exists)

All buses arrive at Tallinn bus station. From there you can go to tram number 4 (stop Bussijaam, direction Tondi) and ride to Vineeri or Kosmos tram stop.


It is very convenient to get from Tallinn airport to the competition venue. It takes about half an hour using public transportation. You can get on tram number 4 from the airport terminal building (stop Lennujaam, direction Tondi) and ride to Vineeri or Kosmos tram stop.


You can arrive by train, Elron.

Train station is Balti jaam; but it might also be possible to get off Kitseküla station. The most convenient way to reach the competition venue is by foot (around a 25-minute walk).


Information about parking is available here. Look at "Kesklinn" section.

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Reaalajas tulemused / Live Results

Reaalajas tulemused on kättesaadavad siin.

Live results are available here

Workday Cubing ehk Tööpäevakuubimine

Mõte on korraldada lühike võistlus tööpäeval (sel korral kolm tundi), kus osalejad saavad võistelda alades, milles nad soovivad. Selleks, et võistlus ei kestaks terve öö, on osalejatel kokku 20 minutit aega (kõigi esimsese vooru lahendusaegade summa), et sooritada kõik katsed nendes alades, milles nad soovivad osaleda. Kui osaleja näiteks sooritab 3x3x3 kuubikul viis lahendust ja igaühe neist 20 sekundiga, siis on osaleja kulutanud kokku 1:40 aega ning tal jääb alles veel 18:20, et võistelda teistes alades.

Oluline informatsioon

On kohustuslik aidata grupis, milles sa ei võistle. Vastasel juhul ei toimi võistluse süsteem, kus esimesed voorud toimuvad kahes võrdse suurusega grupis. Kui sul on näiteks küsimusi kohtunikus olemise kohta, siis võid alati küsida võistluse korraldajalt või delegaadilt.

Kuidas saan jälgida, kui palju aega mul on järele jäänud? Kõik osalejad saavad teha koopia tabelist (Google Sheets), kuhu saab sisestada oma lahendusajad ning dokument arvutab automaatselt, kui palju aega on jäänud. Soovitame kõigil seda kasutada, et veenduda, et te ei ületa ajapiirangut, sest vastasel juhul DNFitakse kõik järgmised lahendused. Tabeli leiab siit.

Kuna kõik alad toimuvad samaaegselt, vaikus ei ole garanteeritud 3BLD & 4BLD ajal.

Workday cubing

The idea is that these should be a shorter competition on a workday (this time around three hours), where the participants can compete in the events they want. In order for the competition not to take all night, the participants therefore have 20 minutes (cumulative, meaning in total solve time) to make all attempts in the events they want to compete in. If a participant, for example, complete five solves in 3x3x3 in 20 seconds each, that participant has then used up 1:40, which means that the participant has 18:20 left to do solves in other events.

Important information

It is mandatory to help out in the group you do not compete in. Otherwise, the competition's system does not work where the entire competition is completed in two equal-sized groups. Feel free to ask the organizer or delegate of the competition if you have questions about how to judge for example.

How do I keep track of how much time I have left? All participants can make a copy of the spreadsheet (Google Sheets) where you can enter your solve times so that the document automatically calculates how much time you have left. Everyone is strongly advised to use this to ensure you don't go over the time limit, whereupon all subsequent solves will be DNFed. It can be found here.

As all events are done simultaneously, silence is not guaranteed during 3BLD & 4BLD.

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).
A cumulative time limit may be enforced across rounds (see Guideline A1a2++).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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