Ponikva Open 2022

May 21, 2022
Ponikva, Slovenia

Osnovna šola Blaža Kocena Ponikva

Ponikva 29A, 3232 Ponikva

Competition will be held in a gym, follow the signs.


Rubik Klub Slovenija

Rubik Klub Slovenija
WCA Delegates
Jernej Omulec and Petra Kobal Vogrinec
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

For more information, check out the tabs!

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 60 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is €10 (Euro).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
Registrants on the waiting list may be accepted onto the competitor list until .
We encourage everyone to register for the events they want to compete in via your online registration, however you may add events to your registration up until the event has started.
No on the spot registrations will be accepted.

Competitors must register and pay online in order to compete.
Data for payment:
IBAN: SI56 6100 0002 1253 047
Subject: Ponikva Open 2022- Name and surname

Address: Rubik klub Slovenija
Na zelenici 10
3312 Prebold

Registration is considered completed after filling out the registration form and paying the registration fee.
If you have any problems with paying the registration fee, or if you would like to change your registration, please write an e-mail to the wca.slovenia@gmail.com e-mail address.

Če želite tekmovati, se morate registrirati na tekmovanje in plačati štartnino.
Podatki za plačilo:
IBAN: SI56 6100 0002 1253 047
Zadeva: Ponikva Open 2022- Ime in priimek tekmovalca

Naslov: Rubik klub Slovenija
Na zelenici 10
3312 Prebold

Registracija je popolna šele po izpolnitvi obrazca za registriranje IN plačila štartnine.
V primeru težav s plačilom ali potrebi po spremembi registracije, pošljite e-mail na wca.slovenia@gmail.com naslov

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Alexey Tsvetkov won with an average of 8.49 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. David Vujasić finished second (9.90) and Marcel Ručigaj finished third (10.12).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Alexey Tsvetkov 7.38 8.49 Russia 7.389.307.738.459.68
2x2x2 Cube Alexey Tsvetkov 1.01 1.27 NR Russia 1.571.661.221.011.01
4x4x4 Cube David Vujasić 29.25 36.05 Croatia 29.2534.8538.1644.8735.14
3x3x3 One-Handed Marcel Ručigaj 15.31 15.54 Slovenia 15.3115.7918.5815.5215.31
Pyraminx Alexey Tsvetkov 1.96 2.45 Russia 4.852.292.411.962.65
Skewb Jakob Kitak 2.71 3.75 Slovenia 3.384.113.772.714.32

Steps of the registration:
(If you already have a WCA account skip 1st and 2nd step. If your WCA ID is already connected to your account you can skip the 3rd step as well.)

1) Create a WCA account
You have to use your full name. If you ever competed before at official competition, use an e-mail address that you already used for WCA registration and which you check regularly. You will get a confirmation link in e-mail and by clicking on that your Account will be validated.

2) Give your personal data
Sign in with your WCA account and click to the "Notifications". There will be a "Your profile is incomplete" link. Click here and provide your Gender, Birthdate and Country to finish your account. (If it's your first competition and don't have a WCA ID you finished your account and you can skip step 3) )

3) Connect your WCA ID to your WCA account
Sign in with your WCA account and click to the "Notifications". There will be a "Connect your WCA ID to your account" link. If you click on that you can write in your WCA ID (or you can simply search for it by typing your name in). To finish this you will need to choose a delegate, who's competition you already participated at to confirm your request. (In a lot of cases the system will offer you a delegate, but you can choose other if you want. Please keep in mind that connecting WCA ID-s and WCA accounts can take a few days.

4) Register to the competition
After having a full WCA account you can register to the competition in the WCA website.

The most important criteria of the participation in the competition is the knowledge of the WCA regulations.

You can also check WCA competition tutorial.

These safety measures will be in place during this competition:
* A Competitor must not attend this competition if he has any COVID-19 symptoms or if he has been in contact with someone that is COVID-19 positive.
* Competitors must wear a face mask correctly (over nose and mouth) during the entire competition.
* It is recommended that a competitor brings only one guest.
* Hand sanitizers will be available throughout the venue.
* It is recommended that the competitor brings his own pen to the competition.

Na tekmovanju bodo veljali sledeči ukrepi:
* Tekmovalec se ne sme udeležiti tekmovanja, če ima kakršnekoli COVID-19 simptome oz. je bil v stiku z osebo, ki ima COVID-19.
* Tekmovalci moraja cel čas nositi masko, s čimer pokrijejo nos in usta.
* Priporočljivo je, da vsak tekmovalec pripelje samo enega gosta.
* Na prizorišču bodo na voljo razkužila za roke.
* Priporčljivo je, da vsak tekmovalec na tekmovanje prinese svojo kulico

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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