Yongjun Jakarta Speedcubing 2019
Registration requirements for the competition:
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition below.
There is a competitor limit of 120 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is Rp100,000 (Indonesian Rupiah).
If your registration is cancelled before you will be refunded 100% of your registration fee.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of Rp150,000 (Indonesian Rupiah).
Event Fee
Early Bird (August 6, 2019 - September 4, 2019)
1. 1-3 events: 100,000.00 IDR
2. 4-8 events: 150,000.00 IDR
On the Spot
1. 1-3 events: 150,000.00 IDR
2. 4-8 events: 200,000.00 IDR
Each participant will receive a participation name tag, a certificate, and a 1-day lunch coupon.
Payment Methods
* Bank Transfer (BCA 3420249984, Yusuf Abdul Qohhar)
* Paypal (for non-Indonesian participant)
Refund Policy
* Registration is fully refundable (transaction fee is competitor's responsiblity) if the participant cancels the registration before 4th September 2019.
* Withdraw after 4th September 2019: no refund
* Incomplete registration: no refund
Please send the proof of payment, participant's full name, and the bank account owner's name to Yusuf Abdul Qohhar (WhatsApp +62 8989907547) to complete the registration.
Biaya Kompetisi
Early Bird (6 Agustus 2019 - 4 September 2019)
1. 1-3 cabang: Rp100.000,00
2. 4-8 cabang: Rp150,000,00
On the Spot
1. 1-3 cabang: Rp150.000,00
2. 4-8 cabang: Rp200.000,00
Semua peserta akan mendapatkan co-card/kartu keikutsertaan, sertifikat, dan kupon makan siang yang berlaku untuk 1 hari.
Metode Pembayaran
* Transfer Bank (BCA 3420249984, atas nama Yusuf Abdul Qohhar)
* Paypal (untuk peserta berkewarnegaraan selain Indonesia)
Kebijakan Pengembalian Uang Registrasi
* Apabila peserta mengundurkan diri sebelum 4 September 2019, pihak panitia akan mengembalikan 100% biaya pendaftaran ke peserta (biaya transaksi antar bank ditanggung oleh peserta).
* Permintaan pengembalian biaya lewat dari 4 September 2019: tidak ada pengembalian
* Pendaftaran tidak lengkap atau tanpa keterangan: tidak ada pengembalian
Mohon kirim bukti pembayaran, nama lengkap peserta, dan nama pemilik rekening bank ke Yusuf Abdul Qohhar (WhatsApp 08989907547) untuk menyelesaikan pendaftaran