Santo Domingo Summer 2019

Jun 20, 2019
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Galeria 360

Av. John F. Kennedy casi esquina Av. Abraham Lincoln

Area Principal de eventos, puerta principal.

Organization team
Enoc Baez Molina, Gustavo Rocha Peña, Nestor Sanchez, and Raimy Marte
WCA Delegate
Rafael Gregorio Martinez Paredes
Download all the competition's details as PDF here.

Para los nuevos competidores, habra un pequeño tutorial de como competir y algunos consejitos sobre los temporizadores penalidades etc, etc. Favor de familiarizarse con el reglamento para un mayor conocimiento de los torneos y sus caracteristicas.

link del reglamento OFICIAL

link del reglamento traducido al español

Y como dice un viejo dicho, a cubear se ha dicho!

For new competitors, there will be a small tutorial on how to compete, how to use the timers, how penalties work, etc. Please familiarize yourself with the rules for more knowledge of the competition and how they are run.
Official Regulation Link

And as a saying goes, I always scramble cube that she/he does.

Main event
Registration period

Online registration opened and closed .

Registration requirements
This competition is over, click here to display the registration requirements it used.
Create a WCA account here if you don't have one.
If this is not your first competition, associate your WCA ID to your WCA account here.
Register for this competition here.
There is a competitor limit of 120 competitors.
The base registration fee for this competition is $150 (Dominican Peso).
Registration fees won't be refunded under any circumstance.
On the spot registrations will be accepted with a base registration fee of $150 (Dominican Peso).

Los pagos de este evento se realizaran en efectivo a la hora de registro proporcionada por el cronograma, y el mismo debe efectuarse en el area de registro de este evento (por favor mirar cronograma). No se aceptaran pagos por adelantados ni online.
Recuerden que hay un limite de participantes, asi que registrense con tiempo para participar. en caso de que no se llegue al limite de participantes, pueden ir el dia de la competencia y registrarse en el evento, pero tendra un costo adicional de $200 pesos por penalidad de registro tardio.
si el registro llega al limite de competidores, no se aceptaran mas registros el dia del evento.

Para ver info mas detallada, ver la pestaña ´´informacion de Registro´´.

Payments for this event will be made in cash at the time of registration provided by the schedule, and it must be made in the registration area of this event (please see schedule). No advance or online payments will be accepted.
Remember that there is a limit of participants, so register with time to participate. In case that the limit of participants is not reached, they can go on the day of the competition and register in the event, but it will have an additional cost of $200 pesos for late registration penalty.
If the registration reaches the limit of competitors, no more registrations will be accepted on the day of the event.

To see more detailed information, see the tab '' informacion de Registro ''.

Click here to display the highlights of the competition.

Fan Derlentz Perceval won with an average of 9.91 seconds in the 3x3x3 Cube event. Amauri Miguel Caballero finished second (10.97) and Chardan Jose Valdez Sierra finished third (11.06).

Event Name Best Average Representing Solves
3x3x3 Cube Fan Derlentz Perceval 9.45 9.91 NR Haiti 9.8310.0213.159.459.87
2x2x2 Cube José Eduardo Figueroa 2.67 3.40 Dominican Republic 4.992.912.673.943.36
4x4x4 Cube Henfry De Los Santos 41.25 45.25 Dominican Republic 55.3946.5646.4742.7141.25
3x3x3 Blindfolded Haylon Feliz Checo 1:09.80 NR 1:35.91 NR Dominican Republic 1:46.181:09.801:51.74
3x3x3 One-Handed Chardan Jose Valdez Sierra 14.24 16.50 Dominican Republic 17.8016.9514.2414.7418.23
Megaminx Amauri Miguel Caballero 1:00.82 NR 1:02.92 NR Dominican Republic 1:02.671:07.461:02.621:00.821:03.47
Pyraminx Emil Francisco Solano Gil 3.30 NR 6.03 Dominican Republic 3.308.545.187.585.33
Skewb Emil Francisco Solano Gil 4.67 5.91 Dominican Republic 4.676.


El costo de participación es de $150 por un día. Eso incluye derecho de competir en todos los eventos de cada día saldado.

El límite de competidores ha sido fijado en 120 participantes. Si no puedes asistir al evento por favor informanos para removerte del mismo y dejar libre tu puesto.
Debes de registrarte en la pestaña de REGISTER a mano izquierda. Si es tu primera vez compitiendo en un certamen oficial, debes de llenar tus datos fielmente ignorando el WCA ID.
Si ya has competido al menos en una competencia oficial, debes de usar tu wca ID para registrarte. Si desconoces tu WCA ID búscalo dándole click a tu nombre: AQUI
*ojo: puede que tengas que confirmar tu wca ID con tu delegado asignado la primera vez que lo uses. Una vez confirmado podrás inscribirte usando el mismo siempre.

Por favor revisen el cronograma para informarse del horario de registro que mas les convenga. Despues de haberte registrado aquí en la página, debes de ir a la competencia en uno de los registros recalcamos revisar el horario por favor) para pagar y recibir tu pulsera de admisión.
El periodo de registro en la página web ( click aqui para registro ) inicia el dia Martes 14 de Mayo 2019 y termina el dia Martes 18 de Junio 2019. Registros posteriores o en locación incurrirán en una penalidad de $200 pesos extra.

si el registro llega al limite de competidores, no se aceptaran mas registros el dia del evento, a menos que alguna persona ya registrada no asista al registro. a la hora de registro se recibiran primero los ya registrados y luego los nuevos en caso de que no llegue al limite de competidores el evento.

Lee el reglamento Reglamento de la WCA: AQUI
Asiste con puntualidad al torneo tomando en cuenta el cronograma y horas de registro.
Debes de estar dispuesto a colaborar en el buen desarrollo del torneo.
Pásala súper!

(Para aquellos que han competido antes): Apréndete tu WCA ID que es tu cédula en el mundo del cubing. Es muy fácil aprendérselo por partes. Ejemplo: 2013sanc10
- 2013: el año de tu primera competencia
- sanc: las primeras 4 letras del apellido (Sánchez en este caso)
-10: un numero asignado para diferenciarte de otros que tengan tambien "2013sanc"


The cost of participation is $ 150 for one day. That includes the right to compete in all the events of each day paid.

The limit of competitors has been set at 120 participants. If you can not attend the event please inform us to remove you from it and leave your position free.
You must register in the REGISTER tab on the left. If it is your first time competing in an official contest, you must fill your data faithfully ignoring the WCA ID.
If you have already competed in at least one official competition, you must use your wca ID to register. If you do not know your WCA ID, look for it by clicking on your name: HERE
* eye: you may have to confirm your wca ID with your assigned delegate the first time you use it. Once confirmed you can register using the same always.

Please check the schedule to inform yourself of the registration schedule that best suits you. After you have registered here on the page, you must go to the competition in one of the registers (please remember to check the schedule please) to pay and receive your admission bracelet.
The registration period on the website ( CLICK HERE FOR REGISTER ) starts on Tuesday, May 14, 2019, and ends on Tuesday, June 18, 2019. Subsequent or on-premises registrations will incur a penalty of $ 200 pesos extra.

If the registration reaches the limit of competitors, no more registrations will be accepted on the day of the event, unless a person already registered does not attend the registration. At the time of registration will be received first those already registered and then new ones in case the event does not reach the limit of competitors.

Read the regulations of the WCA: CLICK HERE
Attend the tournament with punctuality taking into account the schedule and hours of registration.
You must be willing to collaborate in the good development of the tournament.
Have nice time!

(For those who have competed before): Learn your WCA ID, which is your card in the world of cubing. It is very easy to learn it in parts. Example: 2013sanc10
- 2013: the year of your first competition
- sanc: the first 4 letters of the surname (Sánchez in this case)
-10: a number assigned to differentiate yourself from others who also have "2013sanc"

Time limit

If you reach the time limit during your solve, the judge will stop you and your result will be DNF (see Regulation A1a4).


The result to beat to proceed to the second phase of a cutoff round (see Regulation 9g).


The format describes how to determine the ranking of competitors based on their results. The list of allowed formats per event is described in Regulation 9b. See Regulation 9f for a description of each format.

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